Why Is It Important To Go To College

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A lot of people think college is overpriced and not worth the extra time and money. They also think that people can get paid the same amount at jobs that they go to college for with a high school diploma. This however is not the case. College not only helps those who attend earn more money in your career, but it also teaches life-long responsibility. There will also always be economic security given to those who go to college. Sure, college is expensive, but it definitely pays off in the long run. It has been scientifically proven that a college degree earns more than a high school diploma. Yes, people can find a job straight out of high school, but they will be lucky to earn a few dollars over minimum wage. People can get that same job while going to college to better their future. No one can turn a McDonald’s job into a fulfilling life-long career that will provide for them …show more content…

It’s easy to just say that they aren’t going to do anything today and lay in bed all day. That’s what someone would do without any responsibility or care for their future. To go to college, people have to be full of responsibility and work ethic. In college, they have to get up early and go to class. This is very similar to high school, except in college, no one is there to say “Do it.” Parents are no longer around like they were before. Professors aren’t going to come to the dorms or apartments and pull lazy people to class. Going to a college class is a big responsibility. College students also learn how to balance their social life and work life, something they would have to do as an adult in a job. Students will learn responsibility really fast during and after college. Also, the kids of the people who go to college will also be more likely to go to college than the kids whose parents didn’t. These kids also do better throughout school as their parents can push them and help them with their school

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