Why Is It Important To Become Obese?

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Have you ever been responsible for making a decision that will affect more than just yourself? As a part of the citizens committee, I’m part of making a decision that would involve the whole community. We recently received a grant for several millions of dollars and we get to decide how the money will be used. We narrowed our choices down to an outdoor park or an indoor convention center. The indoor convention center would include theater productions, concerts, acting lessons, and professional meetings. However, it’s more important to use this money toward an outdoor park that will involve our community with camping areas, sport fields, an aquatic center, and miniature golf. Over time the American population has been becoming more and more obese. Obesity is reaching the top of the list of leading causes of death in the United States. It’s important to get kids to be active at a young age to help prevent them to become obese as they get older. Our family friendly outdoor park is the perfect place for reaching this goal. Having a variety of sport fields at one place will not only help the younger kids find something they love to do to stay active, but will also help high schoolers practice sports they love to play that keep them in shape. With the parents being involved and helping their kids, they will get in quite a workout. The aquatic …show more content…

Many years ago, people would have never thought of going home from school to sit on their phones or play video games. The outdoor park will give people in our community to put down their phones and enjoy the people they are with and what the world has to offer them. Many times people are interrupted by what's going on on their phones and miss opportunities to make memories with the people you’re with. The outdoor park will create memories that will stick with you for a lifetime and all you will want your phone for is to take pictures or to call for friends to join you for the

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