Why Is It Fair To Pay Teens Less Than Adults

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No, it is not fair to pay teens less than adults. I think this because based on what Marilyn Watkins states, “Teens often need jobs as much as any other workers. Many have to work to help support their families. Others live on their own or are trying to save money for college” (Watkins 23). Many teens such as me are independent and have to pay a lot for their expenses. Teens including myself need money just as any other adult would and if the job requires the same amount of training as the adult, there is no reason the same amount of pay should not be distributed to the teens as the adults. Another example that would support my opinion of no is, “If they’re performing the same tasks as a 20-year-old, they should earn the same amount of money” (Watkins 23). …show more content…

If age is the only thing that separates the workers from one- another it makes no sense to not let all workers working the same duties to make the same amount of money. That worker is doing just as much work and working just as hard as the others. The last statement to explain my reasoning is in the text it states, “… especially when there’s little evidence to suggest that business would be more likely to hire teens if they could pay them less than adults” (Watkins 23). This reasoning would make teenagers as well as adults trying to get employed unhappy. It creates fewer adults to get jobs and teens are still not making money. In conclusion, teens should not be paid less than adults. Wage discrimination based on age is not fair and based on the following reasons needs to be

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