Why Is Hammurabi Unjust

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Was Hammurabi’s code just?

Hammurabi’s code was unjust! To support this a couple codes of law that Hammurabi enforced were number one, “if a son struck his father his hand will be cut off” this law demonstrates the Hammurabi’s code was unjust because this is showing unfair advantages to the use of power of him/her. Number two is, “if he has struck a slave he will have to pay half value for him” this code proves Hammurabi’s code was unjust because slaves no matter how bad they’ve been should be treated fairly just like every individual! These couple laws were unjust because of the punishments and the power used after the crime was committed.
Hammurabi’s laws were unjust! I say this because of the same two reasons I said earlier “if a son struck

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