Why Is Hamlet's First Soliloquy

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“To be, or not to be: that is the question,” (line 57 of Hamlet's soliloquy.) With this line, the ‘great’ Hamlet begins his soliloquy on whether it is better to be alive or dead (spoiler: he chooses death). While many kids and teens going through their dark, emo phase or actual people who are having a rough patch in life may agree with Hamlet, death is not the better option. In the year 2016, a federal data analysis uncovered the tragic truth. Suicide rates had been in an all time high. Depression, had hit hard that year, resulting in an high increase (to 63%) in middle aged [women] suicide and three times as many teen [girl] suicides as there had been in 2014. With this information, one can see that there has been many tragic deaths in the past years. These deaths have left families torn and many dreams left behind. …show more content…

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing end them,” (line 58-59.) With this line, Hamlet proceeds to explain his point of view on life. He asks whether one should withstand the suffering of life or just end it. In life one will encounter hundreds of ups and downs, yet without all these events, both good and bad, one would never truly understand what it is to live. Without good there is no bad and without bad there is no good. One must simply keep their head up and push on. Logically, everything happens for a reason so there is no just

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