Why Is Hamlet Mad

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A touch of madness lies within all of us, it just depends weather or not its able to slip through the bars of its cell. Hamlet is indeed mad, the question is weather or not there is true pain and reason behind it , or it it's all an act. The tragedies in hamlets life, the encounter of his late father, and his plot for vengeance proves that Hamlet is most defiantly mad. Madness is the state of being mentally ill, associated with insanity. It is caused by something so traumatic one simply is unable to cope, therefore they slip from reality.
Tragedy was brought into Hamlets idealistic life and was corrupted when his father unexpectedly passed away. This lose caused Hamlet to fall into a dark pit that consumed him. This event impacted him so greatly his copping mechanisms were to wear dark close, listen to dark music, and push away anyone close to him. This isolation pushed Hamlet deeper into madness. To add to the chaos Hamlets mother, Gertrude, goes on to marry her late husbands brother, Claudius.
In the midst of Hamlet’s …show more content…

Instead of going straight to Claudius and killing him he wants to make sure he's guilty, even though his fathers ghost says Claudius killed him his conscious wants to confirm his guilt. To confirm his guilt Hamlet plans to set up a reenactment of the murder in form of a play, for the new king and his queen to catch Claudius’ reaction. Hamlets theory is that if Claudius reacts negatively he can now be able to take revenge on the king. In the midst of the play when the king is being poisoned by his brother Claudius demands that the lights be turned in and the play to stop, this proves to Hamlet that the ghost was indeed current. Claudius killed his own brother. Hamlets revenge is in place, he's over Claudius with a knife in hand and the intent to kill him. The plan is halted when he hears Claudius repenting his sins. This simple act shows that Hamlet may be mad but also has a

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