Affordability Crisis: The High Cost of College Education

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College Is Not Fit For Everyone: College Is Too Much Debt “A majority of Americans (57%) say the higher education system in the United States fails to provide students with good value for the money they and their families spend.” “ An even larger majority-75%- says college is too expensive for most Americans to afford”, said Pew Social & Demographic Trends, journalist of Is college Worth It? This statistic states why some Americans believe college is way too expensive. Many young adults are leaving college with a large amount of loans,about (48%) say that is harder on them to pay other bills when they're still paying on their college loans. About (25%) say its has made it harder to buy a home. Also, there's about a quarter of young adults say it has an impact on their career. Therefore, many young people believe college is way too expensive and hard to afford for most people. Overall, many people can't afford college because it's very expensive. For many young adults going to college is very expensive for most people. Many young adults had no other option because of the …show more content…

According to Matthew Crawford, journalist of The New York Times,”Systemic changes in the economy.” Therefore, many young adults economy has changed over the years from information technology. Also Crawford says, “Some people hustled off to college.” Therefore, many young adults rush off to college and does not even know what they wanna do. Many people have the passions for learning that will not be engaged. Many people certainly need to learn. According to Pew Social & Demographic Trends, journalist of the Is College Worth It? “57% say they would prefer to work and make money; and 48% sat they can not afford to go to college.” Therefore, many young adults can not afford college because of many parent issues. Also, young adults might just want to just work then got to college and learn. They want to do hands on rather than learn about the

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