Why Is Captain America Described As Propaganda

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1) Captain America was first created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in the 1940’s. Designed as a patriotic superhero who often fought the Axis Powers of World War II. In the 1940’s as America had joined the War effort, Captain America was introduced as an American icon. He was created in order to give soldiers and families hope. Captain America was created in the Golden Age, Joe Simon debated the name because before he had Captain America he wrote the name “Super American” as this characters’ name. Captain America’s right hand man was simply named Bucky, after Joe Simon’s friend Bucky Pierson, a star on his high school basketball team. Silver Age, Captain America was formally introduced to the Avengers #4 in March of 1964, where he became the leader of that superhero team. …show more content…

The USA only enters the Second World War after the bombing of Pearl Harbour in December 1941. Due to the domination of Jewish artists in the comic book industry, it was inevitable that they would try portraying the Nazi government in a negative light. The Jewish artists wanted the US government to do more in terms of the war effort and the fight against the Nazi government but due to the US Policy of Non – Interference the artists were unable to say or do much at all. Comic books were used as propaganda as they were able to identify who the enemy was for the reader. Another way propaganda was show was through the stars and stripped uniform and shield of Captain America. The Stars and stripes on the shield meant that it could be used for defence and as a weapon. This symbolises America’s ability or might when attacking its enemies. The Jewish angle in terms of propaganda was the use of guilt, Steve Rogers, the scrawny version of Captain A, grew up in the lower east side of Manhattan which historically is where many European Immigrants settled during the war time. Steve Rogers was depicted as a stereotypical frail and passive Jewish

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