Why Is Boo Radley Banned

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Hsia, Alex Mrs. Rodems English 3 March 29, 2016
Banned book synopsis The events of the book To Kill a Mockingbird take place from 1933-1935 and happen in Maycomb County, Alabama. Scout Finch is the main character of this book, at the start of the book she is 6 years old, and has a brother Jem, who is almost 13. They have a father, Atticus, who is a lawyer, and an African-American caretaker named Calpurnia. Over the summer a boy named Dill comes over and has an idea, he wants to make Boo Radley come out of his house. Boo Radley is the son of Arthur Radley, who when he was younger, joined a gang and was later arrested for resisting arrest after they stole a car. Boo was let out because his father vouched that he would never do anything illegal …show more content…

Mrs. Caroline doesn’t understand, instead getting mad at Scout and hitting him on the hand with a ruler. After school one day, Scout sees some tin foil in the tree outside of the Radley home. After examining it, she realizes that there are pieces of gum inside. On the last day of school, Scout sees another object in the tree, this time the object being two Indian head pennies. After the school year ends, Dill returns to Maycomb County for the summer. One day while playing a game while you roll in a tire down the sidewalk, Scout accidentally rolls into the Radley yard, crashing into the steps of the Radley household. Dill then thinks of a game called “Boo Radley” where everyone acts out what they know of Boo Radley’s life. One day while playing this game Atticus catches them and asks them whether this is about Boo, Jem lies and says it isn’t. Jem and Dill grow closer and Scout begins to feel left out, so she starts to talk to Miss Maudie, a neighbor who has a passion for gardening. She tells Scout that from what she remembers of Boo as a child, he was always polite and friendly. Meanwhile, Jem and Dill plan to give Boo a note, but Atticus catches …show more content…

A lynch mob appears and tells Atticus to leave, buy he refuses. The group is led by Mr. Cunningham, who Scout tells

to say hey for her to his son, Walter. After hearing this Mr. Cunningham and the lynch mob get embarrassed and back off. The trial happens the next day, with many people from Maycomb attending. Heck Tate, a witness for the accuser, Bob Ewell, says that Matella, Bob’s daughter, says she was raped by Tom Robinson and was bruised and beaten on the right side of her face. During Atticus’s cross examination it is also revealed that no doctor was called.
Bob Ewell is called to the stand and people see that Bob is left handed, meaning he is more likely to leave bruises on the right side of someone’s face. When Mayella comes to the stand she says that her father is often drunk. Atticus then reveals to everyone that Tom Robinson’s left hand was torn up in a cotton gin accident, making it hard for him to hit the right side of someone’s face. While Tom is appealing his lost decision in court, Atticus reveals that rape is a capital offense in Alabama. One day in August, Atticus calls everyone down, telling them that Tom tried to escape from prison, resulting in him being shot 17

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