Why I Want To Start Trucking Essay

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Why I wanted to start trucking? Thats is a very good question for this essay. I wanting to start trucking when I was 12. This all started when i saw this trucker on the interstate and he was from Kentucky (at least that is what his licence plate said) so i asked my dad why he was in Arkansas he told me that he might be making a delivery for a company and that we need trucker for shifting stuff all around the united states or even all around the world. Then when i was 15 I went to work with my cousin who worked on farm equipment that the person we are working for today was a millionaire and he got all his money from trucking so I asked him is that true and he told me his story about him being on the road and then he showed me picture of his trips and wheres he has been in his career. Then i asked him how much a trucker can make and he told me that the average trucker can make between 70,000 and 100,000 at least that is what they made when he was a trucker. I was always wanting to go on the road and travel and i think this would be the perfect opportunity for me to go and see the great countryside (at least that is what my dad says.) plus I …show more content…

What kind of benefits are there to traveling the United States? Well first of you get to see great stuff like the grand canyon or get to see the lincoln memorial. You can travel all over and see stuff that you would not get to see if you just set at a desk all day pushing buttons and being lazy. Then there are the benefits that your family wants you to have like good health benefits and they offer great health benefits for truckers. They offer great dential to for truckers and they can get you any other benefits you need to have. Another good benefit is all the money you make but i already talked about money in the previous paragraph so let's get back on topic. You also get a bonus if you get all the deliveries on time for a whole

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