Why I Want To Pursue A Scholarship Essay

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Without my family and my closest friends, I would not have the push to pursue my passion. Without them, the concept of music would cease to exist in my life. I plan to pick my career based on my talent, my personality, and what I really want to get out of a career. As a child, I was determined to become an artist when I grew up. I took lessons, entered contests, and I loved working with different utensils. As I grew older, however, that changed. My parents wanted me to try different things other than just creating artwork. When I was in fourth grade, I learned how to play the recorder in class. Then I started taking piano lessons outside of school. This was the time I was introduced to music, and at first, I strongly disliked the literature. I struggled with music theory. Eventually after a year, I stopped playing the piano and decided to try a different instrument by becoming a part of the school orchestra in my fifth grade year. I had the choice of choosing to learn the violin or the cello. At first, I considered playing the cello, but my dad wanted me to play the …show more content…

I am currently assistant concertmaster in my school symphonic orchestra as a sophomore. I am not taking lessons at the moment, but I have studied with five different teachers who had years of experience with music. The knowledge and advice they were able to pass on truly helped me better understand what I plan signing up for as a music performance major once I graduate high school, and helped improve the way I play so that I could articulate in a way that would be comprehensible. This support is slowly molding me to become a great concert violinist. Being an aspiring musician has helped me to drastically improve my leadership, allowed me to have a better concept of what I would most likely be facing in the future when I accomplish my goals, and overall prepared me in almost every way

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