Why I Want To Go To College Essay

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Growing up in a family filled with strong, black women who had received higher education, I always knew that I wanted to go to college and be more like them when I grew up. These women include my mother, my cousins, my aunts and my grandmother - some of which have earned their master's degrees in their desired fields and are working on their doctorate. Whereas the men in our family, have gone a completely different track. My great grandfather barely finished the 3rd grade before he had to start working for his family, my father got a job straight out of high school and had only attended college for a semester, and most of my cousins have stayed at home getting jobs to help their parents. I hope starting with my younger brother who is nine years old, the males in our family will go to …show more content…

Although I grew up in the suburbs, I was the most urban of my peers - and one of the only African American students, not to mention a girl. Also to add onto my struggles, I was the only child, so I didn’t know much about interacting with new people who were my age. Sometimes I felt the other kids treating us differently but altogether it was a fun experience and I enjoyed being with people of different races and learning more about their families. When our family got back together and came towards the city, the other African American children would make fun of me and say things like, “You talk too white,” or “You don’t even act Black.” This was hard for me because I had never heard of “talking white” just speaking with proper English, and by “acting white” they meant I was too introverted and listened to a different type of music than them - this was weird. Because I was taught to speak a certain way and carry myself a certain way, I kept myself the way I

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