Why I Want To Go To College

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When I was in high school I was on the right path to go to college. I was doing all the right things; getting the good grades, playing softball that I had been playing since I was 8 years old, and taking college prep classes since middle school. I had it all planned out and had my head on right and in the direction, I thought was right for myself and my future. But all of that came to an end when I was subjected to the cruelty of man kind and put my trust into someone who was supposed to be a mentor and someone who was supposed to take care of not only me but the others surrounding me. It just so happened during the most important year of high school and I became homeschooled my Junior year while also trying to juggle playing softball and still …show more content…

I got baptized September 14, 2014 and then I left and moved to Kansas. Through my time in the service I learned so much. It has willed me to push myself in everything I do and to never give up on what I want to do ultimately and to never let someone else influence you into doing what they think is best for you. So, I followed my heart and prayed about it with God for so many years and this is where it has ultimately led me. I am able to use everything the Army has given me to push myself harder than ever and strive for nothing less than perfection, although I know that nothing will ever be perfect. Everything that I have been through proves to me I am strong and will push myself hard and make sure that even if I fail at something to never give up, but to take the constructive criticism and do better the next time. I will follow my heart and listen to God, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ – Jeremiah 29:11. So, because of that, I will strive and use all of my knowledge I have gained in life to strive to work hard and get the future that not only I want but the future God has planned out for

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