Why I Want To Be A Nurse

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Many people have different ideas of how they were created, what their purpose is, and what existence truly means to them. Whether it's belief in religion, evolution, or spirituality, these things are part of what creates such a diverse world. I believe that it's meant for everyone to have different ideas about our world. Personally, I believe that our planets formed together as rocks in space and clumped together. I believe in the science aspect regarding our origin. I believe in evolution and how we originated from different organisms and creatures, like the monkey. I know that there is a lot of similarities and many theories about the way we look deriving from these mammals. I think it's such an interesting concept, but I'm not entirely …show more content…

I'm not sure why I'm here, but I feel as if it's just to learn through myself and bettering myself as a person. I truly feel like people have soul mates, as well. I feel like life is just trying to better yourself and the planet, while enjoying life and being with the people you love. I honestly don't know why it matters, but I'm here. I might as well make the best of my life while I have it and dedicate myself to bettering the planet and others. I feel like that's part of the reason why I want to be a nurse. I want to make sure everyone can live to their fullest and try my hardest to help others when in pain. I want to make sure that people being brought into this world are safe and healthy. I want to make sure that people leaving this world don't die alone and know that the people taking care of them are doing everything they can. I feel like if people are put on this planet, they should be the best they can be and help contribute to the future and well-being of the planet and other people. I decide on my personal goals by making sure they help better myself as a person and contribute to help making the world a better place. I'd like to put as much good into the world as I possibly can, especially through something I'm very passionate

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