Why I Want To Attend Cathedral Essay

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One of the main reasons that I want to attend Cathedral Catholic is because it has been like a second home to me. When I was eight years old, my oldest brother, Brendan, began his freshman year at Cathedral. Whenever he would come back from school, he would always tell me and my other brother, Shane, about what he was doing there. All the fun stories that he would recall at the dinner table interested me. I started asking my brother to tell me how his day at school was. Almost always, he would entertain me with an exciting and funny tale about something that happened in class or information about a cool project he was working on in class. A few years later, I started hearing stories from Shane, who had also begun attending Cathedral. At that …show more content…

I love English, especially when it comes to writing, and I hope that I can get into the Honors class. If not, however, I do plan on taking creative writing my sophomore year, along with AP Spanish if possible. I could go on and on about the amazing academics that Cathedral has, but I would probably need to write a book about it. Instead, I’ll wrap up my answer with the final reason I wish to attend Cathedral. In addition to my close connection to the school and its many advanced academic programs, I want to go to Cathedral because of the opportunities I have to become closer to my faith. My entire family is Catholic, and our religion is such an important factor in how we live our lives. When going to Saint Michael’s, I had the chance to go to Church every Wednesday with the rest of my school and practice my faith on campus. Our entire school would come together to celebrate the liturgy and participate in fundraisers that would assist local and global foundations. In addition, during middle school, I joined a group on school campus called Mercy Corps.

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