Why I Love Connection With Nature Analysis

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In my essay “Why I Love the Connection With Nature” the explanation for my evidence it’s not sufficient to show how it supports my thesis. The original section: “Buddha had this beautiful connection with nature, he understood how pacific and pleasant life can be. His surroundings hugged him as the sea hugs fish and he felt that spiritual unity. Buddha was pacific with all living things, treated each one with love and care. Finding himself in different forms and connecting as a whole led him to be truly happy plus, he had everything he wanted.” The rewrite: Buddha had this beautiful connection with nature, he understood how pacific and pleasant life can be. He was able to connect with nature by meditating, which made him realize that something …show more content…

The examples I used to support my claim were Martin Luther, Bartolome De Las Casas, and Christopher Columbus. While Martin Luther and Bartolome De Las Casas were examples of good people being misjudge, Christopher Columbus was an example of a bad person who is considered a good human being. When I introduced Martin Luther, I used a transitional phrase “on one hand” in order to inform the reader that the first example presented a different idea than the last example. Consequently, I used “on the other hand” to introduce Christopher Columbus’ example, which is a different idea than Martin Luther’s example. However, when I introduced Bartolome De Las Casas, I didn’t include a transitional phrase or word I just wrote, “Bartolome De Las Casas, a Spaniard who cooperated in the conquest of few Native American tribes.” Without a transitional phrase, the example seemed like it came out of nowhere because it was unexpected. This could cause confusion to the readers since they might not be sure what the paragraph it’s going to be about. In order to fix this issue, I could have added a transitional word like “additionally” or a transitional phrase like “in addition” or “Another example of misjudgment based on expectations is Bartolome De Las Casas.” Every option could be effective to connect my example of Bartolome De Las Casas to my example of Martin …show more content…

Capitalized the first letter of the first word when it’s a complete quotation. 2. Don’t capitalized if the quotation continues a sentence. 3. Use a comma to introduce quotations. 4. Don’t use comma if the quotation is an object to the sentence. 5. Periods and commas always go inside the quotations. 6. For exclamatory or interrogative marks, if the quotation includes the mark it goes inside, but if the sentence includes the marks then the marks go outside the quotation. 7. Use a single quotation mark if a quotations is within a quotation. It is better to use short quotes because it’s just a reference to support an idea and it will demonstrate that the writer is prepared. A long quote will show that the writer is unable to develop an argument of his own and he is just trying to fill in space, thus making the essay look unprofessional. For a citation, the last name of the author and the page number or the number of the paragraph should be inside parentheses and the period goes outside the parentheses. While writing an essay, it is recommended to avoid ending or beginning with a quotation since the ICE method indicates to first introduce the quote, then cite the quote, and at the end explain it. A quotation at the end or at the beginning of a paragraph will lack an explanation or an introduction. The use of the quote will not be justified and it will not fit adequately into the sentence or

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