Why I Hate Cigarettes

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I hate cigarettes, there are many reasons why. The first three reasons I can think of why smoking should not be allowed in public are: second-hand smoke is bad for your health, it is unpleasant to the non-smoker and it is a potential safety hazard. I learned that second-hand smoke is as bad as smoking it yourself. One of my friends five year old got asthma from being around smokers. For me, that is enough evidence that it is not a good thing. I can be negatively affected by cigarette smoke because I have asthma, including babies and the elderly. I might be unable to breathe if I had an asthma attack it would be a difficult time for me. Public smoking could be harmful to those people and cause me and others to have asthma attacks. I have allergic reactions due to smoke, and if people around me smoke in public I might make me sensitive. Smoking is also the leading cause for lung cancer and second-hand smoke is a leading cause for lung related diseases like COPD, bronchitis and so on. Science has proven that smoking is unhealthy and causes multiple illnesses. There are a variety of cancers and diseases of the lung, throat, and mouth. It is not good for anyone to be exposed to cigarette smoke even if they are not smokers. Everyone including me should have the right …show more content…

The smell clings to your clothing and the only way to remove it would be by washing the clothing. I have been at the casino here in Tucson and smoking is still allowed. When we allow smoking in public we are forcing non-smokers to tolerate an unpleasant smell that is not easy to remove. This allowed the smokers to have a place to play bingo without everyone else having to put up with their smoke. One way of solving this problem would be to have special sections for smokers in all public spaces. This allows the smokers to smoke, but keeps them away from the general public that does not wish to be exposed to cigarette

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