Why I Chose This College

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One of the things I love in life is being challenged. As a high school student, I put forth a continuous effort to challenge myself in all aspects of my life. In academics, I took the most challenging courses that my school could offer me. By the end of my junior year, I had completed all math classes available to me. I loaded my schedule with AP classes to ensure my schedule was as rigorous as I could take. Along with AP courses, I took every available academic opportunity I was given. My junior year, I picked up a college course on leadership. My senior year, I was enrolled in two dual credit courses; programming and English. Although my school was somewhat limited on the courses it could offer me, I made the best of all that they could. In order to get a more accurate picture of what life, as an engineering student would be, I applied and was accepted into Carnegie Mellon’s Summer Academy for Math and Science. This six week residential program allowed my to take challenging courses and adapt to life as a true college student while staying on campus. …show more content…

My freshman year I joined the basketball team and the soccer team. After my first season of basketball, I eagerly joined the soccer team. As a freshman, I was a starting for my high school team. All of my years of playing soccer were finally paying off. About three games into the season, I sustained a season ending injury. I remember it vividly because it was the first high school game my parents came to, and it was on camera. I spent a few days devastated in my room. I would have to have surgery and take a year off from the sport I loved, but I did not let this keep me down. After some extensive rehab, I was able to return to my sport and continue where I left off. Tearing my ACL was a horrifying event, but one that I persevered through because there is nothing I love more than a

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