Why I Chose Medical School

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There are a plethora of reasons why people what to get to medical school. Whether it's to fulfill certain desires or to simply help other people. My reasons fit into their own category. I don't just want to help people and my desires to go to medical school are not selfish. I want to go to medical school because I want to improve aspects of the field and I want to do more than just help people. I want to connect with them and show them doctors are more than just doctors but humans with hearts. I have the necessary attributes and experiences that can not only be an amazing medical student and doctor but also make positive changes in the medical world. I can clearly say that four words describe my personality to its fullest: driven, determined, …show more content…

The fall semester of my junior year was nerve wrecking to say the least. I had five classes that semester which consisted of Microbiology with lab, Cellular molecular biology, Organic Chemistry 1 with lab, Independent study and Personality. Many of my friends would look at me like I’m crazy for having my schedule this packed during my last two years of college but I had to do what I had to do to finish all of my medical prerequisites on time. It was a long and stressful semester for me, constantly running around for my research project on how gut microbes could be implementing stress in people, being the vice president of the Neuroscience club and finding time to study for all my classes equally. However, my discipline and organization attributes saved me that semester. If I was the queen of anything it would be organizing my time and planning things out before I did anything. Before the semester even started I wrote down when all of my tests and quizzes would be in my agenda plus any assignments that were due during the semester. I planned my studying three to four weeks beforehand and did half of a chapter or one full chapter each day leading up to the quiz or test leaving one or two days to review everything. I did this for every class and color-coded each class so I knew which class was which. For assignments, I broke up those up into parts as well. For instance, usually lab reports where due in one week after our lab day. I would do the introduction one day, the results, another and etc. In my agenda I would also put meetings and anything else I needed to do that day. I used a black pen to cross out when I have done something and would not relax until I have done everything that I needed to do that day. All this spacing out things is my way of ensuring that I have enough time to studying for every class and if I didn’t understand anything I had time to go back and study the information I was

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