Why I Chose Health Care

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Why I am Interested in a Career in Health Care

The passion to help people started with someone helping me.
But being born 2 months early didn’t stop me from pursuing a career in medicine, rather, it ignited a desire to learn more.
These people see past the chaos, and they see an opportunity to make a difference.
Medicine made a difference in my life. Now I want to give others that same chance to others.
But what makes us different?

Working my way through school, I found myself discovering just that. When my friends become injured, I task myself with finding out as much as I can about their injury. When most people turn away, I want a better view. I sympathize with them, but I find myself yearning to do more than just care. …show more content…

It was that attitude that pushed my mother to encourage me to expand my horizons.

Emergency medicine wasn’t my first choice. But the idea didn’t let go. I had to know what made it so different from everything else. So I read until my eyes burned. I toured Fire Stations and volunteered at our Emergency Department. I realized while working there, that people are different when they walk through those doors. They are looking for help. Help that I can offer. When you choose to work in the chaos, you are choosing to use your God-given talents for those who need them most. My place is in medicine, because as long as there are hurting people, there will be people willing to try and restore them. Does the hospital I choose to learn under embody that? I say, it does. I found an environment that offers hope not just to its’ patients, but to students, and that is what drew me in. If we want a generation of strong and creative young people, we need to invest in them. Is there still much to learn? Absolutely. And nothing can teach like experience

I visited Costa Rica with my sister last summer, helping a family with humanitarian aid there. Questions bombarded me. Could I find purpose in this? Could I accept and serve people, when it wasn’t

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