Why Guns Should Not Be Allowed On Campus Essay

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College shootings are becoming more and more common and inevitable. Being able to carry guns on campus is being questioned for safety purposes, but there is much more to it. Guns should not be allowed on campus because even though they’re supposed to keep you safe, they can be dangerous, there is no prior training on how the weapon is to be handled, and furthermore the use of a gun on campus can pressure individuals to submit under peer pressure.
Although many people say that carrying a gun is necessary for their safety, they don’t take into account the severe consequences if something bad does happen. If we don’t take into account what could happen if something goes wrong, the end result will be severe. For example, everybody has mental breakdowns and just has no idea what to do, so they resort to violence and anger. What if one day in class someone breaks and has a gun on them and threatens to shoot everybody if they don’t do as the person says. Reasoning is out of the question because trying to reason with an angry person is like sticking your hand on a hot flame. At this point there is not much to do except hope for the best. Another possible action that can occur is a “shoot-off”. As I said before, when people are angry they resort to violence and anger, resulting in unreasonable actions. What if one day in class these two guys …show more content…

Many people ask: well how can we stop this from being an issue? The answer is: instead of allowing it and having these thoughts in the back of our head, we should try to prevent shootings from happening. There should be metal detectors at the front of every door with some sort of security watching. Although that can be a hassle, it is a much more safer way of handling the gun control

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