Why Guns Should Be Banned On Campus

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Home is a place where you feel the most comfortable, especially if you have a firearm on hand. One should always be able to protect themselves from any threatening forces in their home and elsewhere. For students who live on college campuses in dorm rooms, that is their home away from home. Unfortunately, not all colleges allow students, faculty, and staff to carry a concealed handgun on campus. Concealed and carry is best defined as when a person is carrying a concealed firearm in public. When carrying a concealed handgun, you are protecting both yourself and others around you. In addition, the Constitution says you have the right to bear arms in the United States, which allows us to be more alert and careful when doing so. Not only will colleges …show more content…

In 1923, a pro-gun organization named U.S. Revolver Association came out with the conceal and carry permit and allowed people to have concealed weapons on themselves. Additionally, if one commits a crime while having possession of a handgun, they’ll receive an additional five years in prison. Noncitizens are not permitted to possessing any handguns. Additionally, gun sales need to be reported and recorded. Guns must also be held a full day after the purchase date to be given to the owner. These regulations are highly disliked by gun advocates across the country (207). States such as West Virginia, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Michigan, Indiana, Connecticut, Oregon, California, and North Dakota all support these laws (208). In recent times, at least one state per year is considering conceal and carry on college campuses (Inside the Fight Over). Colleges need to allow concealed handguns on campuses because having a handgun readily available is beneficial for everyone. How is it that pilots are allowed to carry guns on planes, but most colleges don’t allow concealed handguns on campuses? Pilots go through intensive background checks, training, and psychological evaluations in order for this to happen. Back in the 1900’s, pilots carried guns on them when they carried mail. If they landed, they needed to be able to protect the mail and have no one destroy anything inside (More Guns, Less Crime 242). No matter how many regulations guns have, protecting yourself is a right and we need to be able to exercise that right in our daily lives. A security guard cannot be in every spot on campus. You cannot rely on cops to be close enough to a college campus to stop a shooter before any harm is done. Allowing students to conceal handguns is important and is a natural right. Mike Ward talks about the law passed which allows

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