Why Guns Lead To Problems

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Gun Control: Why Guns Lead to Problems and Not Solutions Guns are a rather controversial topic to discuss. Chances are---if you haven’t been living under a rock---you’ve heard some form of televised debate on their legality at some point in the last few years. One of the major topics being discussed in the 2016 Presidential Election is the right to own a gun and how it relates to the Constitution. The very concept of gun ownership has made its way to being a symbol of masculinity, rebelliousness, and freedom from government regulations; and it’s at a point where people from other countries don’t understand Americans’ obsession with guns. While people can get cocky and think one handgun can protect themselves/their family, guns really aren’t …show more content…

The answer is something called hegemonic masculinity. Hegemonic masculinity is a concept that states the dominant structure of gender roles. It is the reason that men feel more superior and “better” when they can prove themselves to someone by means of verbal or physical attacks. American culture has associated guns with masculinity as long as guns have been around. A study conducted by news organization Mother Jones found that 61/62 mass shootings since 1982 have been done by white men that have felt “like an outcast” at some point in their lives. Even the Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were bullied according to some records. Most people want a gun to feel empowered; to feel as though they have the ability to deal damage if they feel threatened. Even though guns satisfy the need for self-righteousness, they don’t satisfy the need for self-defense as stated in the above paragraph. The American media promotes the concept of freedom as “freedom from the government” and “the ability to be independent”, and a gun is a symbol that lets people know that you are strong. Putting it bluntly, people want guns because others think guns are manly and awesome, and because it is a way for people to feel

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