Why Guns Is Bad

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“The most effective way to avoid tragedies like this is not to start an arms race among teachers/students.This quote basically states that teachers should not be able to carry an armed weapon on them. I predict that the more guns we have in America, the more deaths and shootings we would have.

Some people say the more guns we have, the less crime there will be, but I say that that isn’t really true. Nearly half of Americans keep a gun in their home, and the majority say the main reason they do is to defend themselves. A correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg concludes ”That with so many guns already in the hands of Americans and the police incapable of protecting us, the situation is pretty much hopeless, so we’re probably better off arming ourselves …show more content…

There in fact, rigorous scientific data showing that having a gun in the home increases the risk of violent death in the home. John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, explained “It’s hard to make the case, as some have done, that right-to-carry laws will lead to an enormous increase in violence.” The reason why we have so many mass shootings and the US has a higher homicide rate 7 times bigger than other developed countries, is because we don’t allow enough concealed carry of firearms. A question was also, brought up in the article, “ If more guns would lead to less crime, then why is America not the safest place in the world, with 300 million guns?” More than 1,500 murders, 4,000 rapes, and 60,000 aggravated assaults “would have been avoided yearly” if more states adopted right-to-carry …show more content…

For real the only way to stop the incident would have been to prevent the offender from getting guns in the first place. “Of course the more guns there are, the more deaths you’re going to have.” Some people argue that the more guns there are, the less violence there will be. Guns can be used to do evil, but guns can also be used to do good. Twelve years ago, Matthew Shepard’s murder Jonathan Ranch launched a national movement when he wrote an article for Salon arguing that gay people should arm themselves against violent bigots. Some moderate gun-control activists, have trouble accepting that guns in private hands can work effectively to counteract violence. Do we want to live “In which the answer to violence is more violence, where the answer to guns is violence ?” The other side is wrong because they say that, “Guns can do evil and good?” But that's still more violence either way you look at it. They also say that, ”Gun ownership with Stricter Controls Could Reduce Gun Violence.” Now They say stricter gun controls could reduce gun violence, but it really may not because there still will be violence

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