Why Fraternities Should be Banned

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Recently, the idea of partaking in a fraternity has become more prevalent. Young adults are captivated with wanting to live the Greek life. The clothes and parties seem to drawn in teens like a magnet. However what these teens do not realize is the terrible things associated with fraternities. Many fraternities have a reputation for turning college students into drunks, treating women vulgarly, enacting violent hazing against other fraternity members and disrupting the true reason why students go to college. For these reasons fraternities should be banned altogether on college campuses. First of all, fraternities have proven to be a serious reason for underage drinking and binge drinking. These young adults have far less supervision and are eager to exert their new found freedom. According to the U.S. Department of Education's Higher Education Center, 75% of fraternity members engaged in heavy drinking, compared with 49% of other male students. The same goes for sororities. “Outside the Greek system, 40.9% of college females admit to abusing alcohol, whereas sorority girls drink heavily at a rate of 62.4%.” It is true that a great way to make connections in college is through fraternities. It is also true that fraternities do offer organized events that help unite the campus community. However, in reality the only thing fraternities only care about are throwing out of control parties. In addition,the fraternity environment is the cause of a rape culture on campus. Rape and assault is the most common violent crime committed on college campus. Fraternity members objectify women and are more likely to commit sexual assault. Fraternities enforce an abusive attitude towards women. Males in fraternities are notorious for forcing w... ... middle of paper ... ...ties More Dangerous Places for Women?" JSTOR. Sage Publications, Inc., n.d. Web. 13 May 2014. Higher Education Ctr for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention United States of America. "PUBLICATIONS." NCJRS Abstract. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, n.d. Web. 13 May 2014. Lipkins, Susan. "Inside Hazing." Inside Hazing. Reel Psychology, LLC, n.d. Web. 13 May 2014. Seabrook, Rita. "Rape: Fraternities at Fault." The Kenyon Collegian. College Publisher Pro, 6 Nov. 2008. Web. 14 May 2014. Paquette, Reggie. "10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Join a Fraternity."Fraternity HQ RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2014. "15 Frightening Facts about Sororities and Fraternities - Zen College Life." Zen College Life. 014 Zen College Life, n.d. Web. 14 May 2014.

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