Why Does Toni Morrison Use Oppressive Language

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Despite the fact that Toni Morrison does use oppressive language, she does so in a manner that it can be disregarded in the grand scheme of the book. In order to avoid using this type of language she develops the story in a series of different character perspectives. She also targets characters that are most subject to oppression. Lastly, she incorporates the use of such language into both black and white characters. Each part of the book is told from someone else's point of view. This allows for the reader to develop the novel through the thoughts and eyes of the characters that are a part of it. Morrison explains in the foreword that she had a problem with, "centering the weight of the novel's inquiry on so delicate and vulnerable a character …show more content…

Morrison herself does not believe that she was successful in her goal to move people. She states that, "many readers remain touched but not moved (Morrison, XII)." Next, in her novel, Morrison targets a specific kind of character; one that is the most subject to prejudice and oppression both in the book and in the real world (back then at least). For this reason, she chose to use black female children. She also targets "ugly" people. She Dumatol2 explains that the characters lived where they were because, "they were poor and black, and they stayed there because they believed they were ugly (Morrison, 38)" It is because Pecola believes in her heart that she is ugly that she so greatly wishes to have blue eyes. And not only does she believe that this will fix her appearance, but she also believes that everyone will finally accept her. She believes that she will become like Shirley Temple or the likes of her. She explains that this began with, "Christmas and the gift of dolls. The big, the special, the loving gift was always a big, blue-eyed Baby Doll (Morrison, 20)" With the gift of blue-eyed baby dolls coming left and right Morrison shows the character struggling to understand why anyone would ever think that this is what she wanted as a

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