Why Do Women Embrace Sport?

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For participating sport in general, referring to the research by Coakley, young women believe they were more likely to quit sport in their adulthood; one major reason being they did not define sport as a way with the process of becoming a woman. According to norms, majority of the women participated in the research believe sport was a low priority in their lives. Through the results it also suggested young men were much more likely to remain active participation in sport as it they see it as a reaffirmation of their manhood. (Coakley, 1992) Furthermore, the research has suggested the decision of active participation also relies on personal competence level, constraints related to money, parents and friends, and lastly information and encouragement received. (Coakley, 1992) While many studies have aim to explain the subject of sport …show more content…

(Hill, 2009) For instance to accuse a man of “running like a girl” is to devalue him, based on the stereotypes of inferior physical capabilities of women and girls. The sport of football has a place in construction of masculinities with classed as well as gender implication. Referring to the history and recent researches, it can also be said that performance in football is seen to be a platform to display masculinity. (Sparkes, 2007) Due to this reason several literatures have described the participation in sports for women is “trespassing on male territory.” (Butler, 1999) Also, many women feel pressurized when participate sports, fearing to face accusations of lesbianism by performing hyperfemininity which hinders the social life of individuals. (Lenskyj, 1994) Despite football is now more accessible for women, they are still under the expectation to perform a lower standard than their male teammates; which suggest the stereotypes and discrimination still very much existing. (Henry,

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