Why Do We Have The Right To Vote

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I agree with Friend 2. It is a shame that we are privileged to live in a democracy, yet we do not exercise our ability to have a voice and vote for the choices we believe in. Billions of people in this world either don’t live in a country where they have a voice or live in a Monarchy (Democracy) and are not able to vote in order to show support for the issues that they believe in. We have that right, we have choices, and we are therefore obligated to cast a vote for support of the lifestyle and issues that matter to us and will impact how and where we live. Voting should not be looked upon as a burden, rather this should be regarded as a privilege.
Women such as Susan B Anthony and Lucy Stone fought long and hard to have the right to vote, we should be doing justice to their legacy. We women more than men must vote to continue the fight for equal treatment and recognition whether it is in a workplace or at home. By voting, we would be able to highlight women’s issues and their rights, each vote counts to bring us closer to the results we support and seek. When the election results come out and measures that affect us negatively are passed, we would have no one but ourselves to blame if we did not partake in the process of elections. I for one do not want to be on the sidelines with no input. I prefer …show more content…

Voting is one of the ways we all can have a voice, make our choices, and steer the vehicle of our lives in the direction we see best for our own individual self, as well as the collective society we live in. To better understand the point being made, imagine if one person claims, “what difference would it make if I just throw my trash on the road? One person’s trash makes no difference.” And then think about if a million people say the same statement. We would be surrounded by garbage everywhere (which is actually happening). Similarly, each vote counts because it has meaning, substance, and

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