Why Do Students Dress Code?

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Magazines and other media sources have converted teens’ priorities from their dedication to acquire knowledge into obsession over the latest trends. To combat this, educational institutions have begun to patrol the way the students dress. However, with the copious amounts of apparel available, it is impossible for teachers to govern each student’s attire using identical standards. In addition, personal judgement and perspective from teacher to teacher varies, perpetuating inequality amongst students. The solution to this problem is simple: replace strict dress codes with those that require consistent appearances. Uniforms allow students to focus on learning while promoting safety and professionalism, along with aiding each household economically. …show more content…

By implementing uniforms into their daily practice, students are prepared to dress for the professional world. Through her years of experience, Wiseman discerns the perks of enforcing uniforms, stating that “[uniforms set] a standard for students that learning environments should be given respect” (Wiseman). With more formal articles of clothing, students are compelled to act the part according to their attire: properly and professionally. By incorporating respectful wear into the classroom, students are exposed to an orderly working environment that better endows them for their future careers. The way a student dresses can reflect their efforts academically. For example, when attired in a sweatshirt and pajama pants, it is more likely that one would be tempted to neglect their assignments as opposed to one clothed in a formal manner. In addition, Wiseman proclaims, “clothes and appearances have always been symbols of how an individual belongs within his or her community” (Wiseman). As societal behavior indicates, it is easier to treat others with reverence when their raiment demands the equality they deserve. For instance, an individual would be more influenced to be courteous to a businessman cladded in a sophisticated suit, in contrast with a young man parading his undergarments. The addition of uniforms eliminates not only the inappropriate behavior …show more content…

Despite a portion of students proclaiming their abhorrence of uniforms as they limit their freedom of speech and restrict their display of individuality, there are accessories that allow them to voice their own unique quirks. Even if the ensemble of the student body remains identical, embellishments such as jewelry or idiosyncratic personality traits exist to discern individuals from the collective. In fact, 54% of students assert that they still have their identity when they wear a uniform (Wharton). The way one dresses does not dictate one’s character and mindset, just like how an inviting cover does not guarantee a riveting book. By incorporating modest details into their everyday wear, students are able to establish their peculiar aspects. Moreover, with an everyday wardrobe imposed, students can focus on their education rather than engross themselves in new fashion statements. After all, the purpose of school is not for students to have a place to fixate themselves on modern styles, but rather to strengthen students to prepare themselves for their futures. With “[42% of students reporting that they] worry less about how others look [with the imposition of uniforms]” (Wharton), uniforms have made a point of decreasing the quantity of judgmental remarks over trivial matters, such as appearances, and leaving more capacity for students to

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