Why Do People Regulate Dying?

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Many people in our modern era want to be in control of everything as much as they could, especially with their own body. Due to the United States, an unprecedented increase of aging demographics many more people are living longer and reaching older ages than before. As the vast majority, will face a period of prolonged deteriorating health prior to death, a longer life is not necessarily a better life (Black, K., & Csikai, E. 2015). Would a better life involve making the decision of a person deciding when to end their life or prolong their life? This is an issue that comes up repeatedly in culture war debates, whether people possess their own bodies and have the right to do what they will with them. There are those that want to regulate what …show more content…

Foremost, dying threatens one’s autonomy and independence; two highly-regarded values in U.S. society” (Black, K., & Csikai, E. 2015). These are one of the many reasons why people want to control how they want to die and when to die because many people are afraid not to be in control. Many people intend to stay “in charge” at the end of their lives but the loss of autonomous decision-making in the latter stages of a deteriorating illness is common (Black, K., & Csikai, E. 2015). This idea is always on everybody mind and the reality of death is an ugly truth. It sad because many people at a later age cannot decide for themselves and their level of thinking is not going to be the same. Then, they count on their loved ones to make that decision for them and lose autonomy. In one study, “it was estimated that 40% of adults who aware admitted to acute care hospitals were incapable of making personal treatment decisions due to unconsciousness, cognitive impairment, or the inability to express their desires” (Black, K., & Csikai, E. 2015). No matter how much control a person may wish, this study claims that things just happens and we don’t have a lot of control with this kind of

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