Why Do People Fall Victims Of Human Trafficking

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A man gets an offer. He is told that he can be smuggled to a new country. He would be able to get better job and improve his family’s standard of living. And all he has to do is pay back his debt for being smuggled. Now, the man has died. Ever since that day, he has been working hard, getting paid little, and thinking he was working off his debt which in reality had long been paid. This is just one scenario in the human trafficking business. This the reason people need to know what human trafficking is, what type of people fall victim to human trafficking, and what victims of human trafficking have to do.
When most people think of human trafficking, they will think of smuggling a person across a border illegally, when in reality, there is much …show more content…

The first type is women it is estimated that eighty percent of human trafficking victims are women (Farrell 38). The reason for this is because in many countries women are taught to obey men also they are generally weaker than men which makes them easier targets. Another type of people trafficked are children, about twenty six percent of people trafficked are children.This is because children are taught to respect adults and are weaker than adults. The third type of who are targeted are under educated people. This is because an uneducated person is easier to trick. For example they may not know the real worth of services in relation to money so they could sell themselves for a small debt of ten dollars. These are some of the types of people who get targeted by human traffickers. (Farrell 38-100;Hart 18-21)
There are many types of people who get trafficked but there is also many types of work these people do. The most common business they are forced to work in is the sex trade. Which includes prostitution, escort work, pornography both women, men, and children can become victims of this type of work. Like most human trafficking cases usually the person is lured into a false sense of comfort before being forced into the industry. Another common type of human trafficking is forced labor

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