Why Do Kids Need To Access To Credit Cards Essay

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Giving kids access to credit cards has great benefits in variety of ways. Kids need to learn about credit so, they will handle credit responsibly as adults, credit cards can help kids in emergency situations and, be able to have. Using credit helps kids get started on building a good credit history and, helps people at a young age in the future. Kids under 18 should be given access to credit cards because starting young will help you have good responsibility skills. Kids need to learn about credit so they will handle credit responsibly as adults. In fact, there are so many credit cards in American society that there are more to come . In 2011, A poll showing that most kids will likely grow up to use credit cards responsibly than people who start using credit as an adult. Credit cards can …show more content…

A good credit history can show that someone is responsible with money. And mature enough to succeed in having a happy or healthy lifestyle . Many companies use credit reports to learn things such as whether a person Is responsible or Is irresponsible when using a credit card. When a child is an authorized user on a parent's credit card, the parent's credit history will be horrible. According to Jeb Thompson, a parent whose son uses credit, this can help the child establish a good credit history while the parent can still have a good credit history. Some worry that kids won't know what to do in case of an emergency, but in case of emergency kids should be able understand credit and finances to help them. While many of today's teens may not know about finances, a child in danger should have a credit card handy incase they dont have cash. When Robert Jones's car broke down while he was driving some kids to a swim meet, his dad gave him a credit card for the towing. A kid's safety always comes first. Credit cards can limit the risk factor of people and/or their children being

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