Why Do Guns Should Be Allowed In Schools

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When we turn on the news we often hear of nightly shootings. Sometimes we hear about other shooting such as shootings in a mall or a club or even a theater. Occasionally we hear about school shootings. Schools are supposed to be safe zones, however they aren’t as safe as they once were. Some think that equipping teachers with guns is the answer. Should guns be allowed in schools?

My first steps to figure out if guns should be allowed in schools was to ask google. Google showed www.smartgunlaws.org and I decided to look more into this site. This site had an article called Guns in Schools. This article was against guns being in schools. However, It had good reasons why schools should be guns-free such as “School shootings shock us because …show more content…

On ebscohost I found an article called Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus. This article was a lot different than the other two I read. In this article there were several quotes from Professor Tracy Tuten. Throughout this article she tells the author about why she thinks guns should be allowed on school grounds. (Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus) Tuten originally thought that guns were unnecessary. (Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus) This was up until she had a stalker. (Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus) She then purchased a gun for her own protection. (Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus) This example shows that students are always the target, sometimes the are the problem. If a teacher is allowed to have a gun on school grounds they can protect themselves and others if it is ever needed. Tuten didn’t become public about her thoughts on the right to bear arms until the school marching band refused to stand during the national anthem at a home football game. (Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on campus) She decided if they could voice their opinion on the first amendment then she would voice her opinion on the second amendment. (Professor: If people can protest the national anthem, guns should be allowed on

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