Why Do Good Coaches Build Kids

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Good Coaches Make Build Kids (rough draft) On average 35 million children play youth sports each season and 85% of coaches are parents coaching their own kids. It can be basketball, soccer, baseball, or softball. If it involves players, parents, referees, and a ball. If it is played as a game, in a tournament, or has practices, it will require a coach. This single figurehead will often be the deciding factor as to the level of satisfaction everyone involved receives from the experience. Coaching youth sports can be a balancing act between developing good players and cultivating great kids. By knowing your sport, you are on the path to gaining your players and parents trust. As a youth coach I have vast experience: 1 season coaching basketball, 2 seasons coaching softball, and 10 years coaching soccer. …show more content…

As a general rule, parents are much more competitive than they lead you to believe and even in those instances where a score is not kept you can bet it is in the minds of the parents. I learned early on that parents can be your biggest ally or your worst nightmare. I remember when I drafted my first softball team. Sitting at the table with all the other coaches, they kept pushing a particular player towards me and said she was an excellent pitcher but that her parents were a “little difficult”. I needed a pitcher so I took her and after the first practice I found out that “a little difficult” was an understatement. So how do you deal with parents like that? Easy, you get them involved. Have them keeping stats during the games and at practices. Stress how important it is to the development of the team. Everyone likes to feel important and parents are no exception. The best advice though for keeping positive parents is for them to see a positive coach. Even in the face of defeat your attitude should be one that will be admired by parents and players

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