Why Do Giraffes Live Longer In Captivity?

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Giraffa camelopardalis. Better known as giraffes, these animals have been a great attraction to many zoos over the course of time. With their gentle ways and calm approach there is a reason why they are loved by many. When you look at captive giraffes there does not look like there are any physical problem with them. However, there are many that we do not see. In captivity they face issues that they have to deal with such as teeth, bones and how they sleep. They also deal with stress and anxiety in captivity. In the wild they face problems such as predators and parasites. According to The Animal Files giraffes tend to live longer in captivity thirty-two to forty years versus fifteen to twenty-five years in the wild. The question …show more content…

In the wild, they have wide open spaces to roam around. While in captivity, they are either outside, or in a small enclosure. They tend to be restricted to their movement which can cause high stress levels, anxiety, increased pacing or excessive inactivity, or boredom. In a recent article a giraffe at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines was put to sleep due to severe ligament and joint problems (USA Today 1). Lack of movement can cause muscle stiffness, bone problems and joint problems. Due to lack of space, giraffes also tend to sleep more often than they would in the wild. A giraffe takes several fifteen minute naps over a span of two hours a …show more content…

There are issues, however, that need need to be dealt with if they are going to continue to live in captivity. The issues that giraffes face in captivity can be mild to severe. There are both pros and cons to giraffes being in captivity over the wild. The issues that giraffes face in captivity consist of tooth care, stress, anxiety, muscle and ligament problems, and urolithiasis. For wild giraffes the issues are predators and parasites. The cons outweigh the pros of giraffes being in captivity any longer. Giraffes should be able to roam free and live a fulfilling life. Giraffes may live longer in captivity, but they are suffering. Would you rather live a fulfilling decent amount of years over a long suffering amount of years? You can be sure the giraffes would choose the fulfilling

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