Why Do Fairy Tales Tell Children That Dragons Do Exist

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“Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons do exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.” I agree with this quote wholeheartedly. I believe that children develop irrational fears. Some irrational fears that may never be conquered. However, the irrational fear of monsters in the closet, can be overcome overnight. Fairy tales give kids the persona that anything can be achieved. I think fairy tales also represent faith. Faith is the belief in something you cannot physically see. No one physically sees a dragon, but people do have dragons in their life (symbolically). This quote represents faith in oneself to conquer a seemingly impossible task. The stories of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty will help give you a reason to agree. …show more content…

Dragons can be defined as creatures who destroy and hurt objects or people. I believe that Cinderella’s step mom and step sisters can symbolize dragons. They symbolize dragons because they are crude to Cinderella and make her do things that she wishes she didn’t have to. They don’t let her have freedom or do the things normal teenagers would do. More or less she is considered a slave in her own house. These “dragons” make Cinderella cry and hate her life. Although she is treated so bad, Cinderella still smiles everyday and does everything that is asked of her. Eventually she does something that she is told not to do, she goes to the Ball and has one night of happiness. She overcomes her fear of her step mom and sisters. This relates back to why I agree with the quote, because she has a fear over people that once she realizes that they can’t control her she overcomes that fear. She does what makes her happy. Bottom line she tries on the shoe, conquers her fear and lives happily ever

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