Why Did The Treaty Of Versailles Caused The Second World War

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“We shall have to fight another war in 25 years time.” - David Lloyd George. One of the representatives who helped create the Treaty, David Lloyd George, believed that another war would be fought in 25 years time, despite the fact that the Treaty of Versailles was made to end all wars. 25 years came a lot quicker than he expected, partially because of the creation of the Treaty. The Treaty of Versailles is considered a large part of why World War Two broke out by many historians, but it is just that, a part. There were several other reasons why the Second World War happened which include the apathy of the newly created League of Nations, Hitler’s rise to power and the failure of appeasement. However, none of the causes were more prominent …show more content…

However, the main creators of the Treaty, the US, Italy, Britain and France, did not realize that the Treaty was potentially leading to the Second World War. The Treaty was very harsh to Germans, its main terms were Germany admitting to the blame for the First World War and changing territorial claims. A lot of land was taken from Germany and the economy became very poor because of the debt they had to pay to others. There were very little jobs, and food was very expensive as well as other services. It made Germans end up supporting Hitler a lot because he promised to ignore the Treaty shortly after coming to power. The Treaty of Versailles was too harsh and as a result did not keep the peace if was supposed to, much like the League of Nations which was created alongside the Treaty. The League of Nations was created shortly after World War One and had a similar purpose to the Treaty of Versailles - to keep peace between the countries. However, the League was too apathetic and in the long run, was full of failures. The League had many instances in which they weren 't able to keep the peace between countries. Examples of these failures are when Italy attacked the port of Fiume which was given to Yugoslavia, or when France and Belgium invaded Germany’s biggest industrial zone, Ruhr. For both of these

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