Why Did The Puritans Obtain Religious Freedom

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Back in the 1600s, the Puritans left England to pursue religious freedom. England religiously practiced Catholic faith. “After formally separating from the Roman Catholic Church, the Puritans still felt the Church of England had retained too many remnants of Catholicism and needed to be reformed.” So, the Puritans sought out for a place where they could exercise worship and personal intimacy with God. (Openstax Ch3) The book states that, “Promoters of English colonization in North America, many of whom never ventured across the Atlantic, wrote about the bounty the English would find there. These boosters of colonization hoped to turn a profit—whether by importing raw resources or providing new markets for English goods—and spread Protestantism.” (Openstax Ch. 3) The Puritans were taunted with these hopes for a colony that turned out to be much different than they expected. What they ended up with was a major tragedy. So many puritans lost their lives due to starvation and illnesses. The promoters of the English colony were hoping for riches, so they made the New World sound like a dream. They ultimately helped aid many puritans in losing their lives along the journey to religious freedom. …show more content…

Hutchison thought there were too many rules placed on religion – whether it be the Puritans views or the Catholics view. Hutchinson led Bible studies in her home, which was not appropriate, especially for a woman. The governor considered Hutchinson to be a threat, because she ended up with a great following of people who believed in her. The governor described her bible studies as: "A thing not tolerable nor comely in the sight of God, nor fitting for your sex." (Trial and Interrogation of Anne Hutchinson) She challenged predestination (all have certain destiny that can't be changed) by saying people could in fact be saved by God's grace. Hutchinson was ultimately banished for not obeying the fifth

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