Why Did Space Age Wear

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Behind the Scenes for Space Age Wear
“Flash”, “click”, ”clap”, are the noises you hear as models dressed in new styles take the runway to be seen by all of the fans and photographers. These new designs were so much different than anything anyone has ever seen. Designers were having fun making the designs and models were having fun wearing these designs. During the 1960s, space was becoming a big influence in people’s lives, it influenced many designers to make clothes based on space, and use different materials than they would usually use to make their designs.
During the time of Space Age clothing, the most famous designers were Andres Courreges and Pierre Cardin. According to Lilah Ramzi, Andres Courreges was a world known designer for …show more content…

One thing that influenced Space Age was space exploration. In the 60s, many accomplishments were happening in space, such as when Alan Shepard was the first person in space, and John Glenn was the first American to orbit around the Earth (glamorsplash.com). These people influenced the designers to make space clothing based on their accomplishments in space. Another thing that influenced Space Age was the movie Star Trek (gizmodo.com). Star Trek was a movie about space, and people would wear big and bold outfits in the movie. This movie was the beginning of a highly popular trend in fashion. These influences shaped the way we look at fashion …show more content…

“Back to the Future With '60s Space-Age Chic.” Vogue, 1 Aug. 2014, www.vogue.com/article/60s-space-age-fashion. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.
Purrr. “1968, Fashion: Pierre Cardin Space Age Look.” Avengers in Time, 1 Jan. 1970, avengers-in-time.blogspot.com/2012/07/1968-fashion-pierre-cardin-space-age.html. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.
Glamoursplash. “Space Age Fashion in the 1960's.” Glamoursplash, www.glamoursplash.com/2008/11/space-age-fashion-in-1960s.html. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.
Davis, Lauren. “The Space Age Designs That Inspired Star Trek - and Corporate
America.”io9, io9.Gizmodo.com, 12 Nov. 2009, io9.gizmodo.com/5402867/the-space-age-designs-that-inspired-star-trek--and-corporate-america/. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.
"Style of the Space Age." Born Late. N.p., 8 Jan. 2012. Web. 28 Mar.

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