Why Did Rockefeller Revolutionize The Petroleum Industry

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John D. Rockefeller was an American businessman during the nineteenth and twentieth century who went on to become the wealthiest individual in history during that time, accumulating over one billion dollars. Rockefeller was the son of a con artist and a devout Baptist who grew up in New York and Cleveland. Rockefeller made his fortune by founding the Standard Oil Company and dominating the oil industry. Not only did Rockefeller somewhat revolutionize the petroleum industry, he also helped to define the practice of modern philanthropy by donating large sums of his massive wealth to various charitable organizations. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company is June of 1870 along with his brother William and a man named Henry Flagler, but …show more content…

“By the close of 1869, Rockefeller, Andrews, and Flagler has outstripped all competition in Cleveland.” The competition that Rockefeller was not able to eliminate by simply buying them out were eventually eliminated or minimized by other means. The business magnate made deals with the railroad companies that transported majority of the United States’ oil, to transport Standard Oil for a much cheaper price than the competition, in return Rockefeller would give the railroad companies a cut of his profits. With the savings Rockefeller accumulated from his railroad deal he was able to afford to sell his oil at a much cheaper price, generating more business from customers who were looking for the best deals on their oil. The few remaining competitors could not compete with Rockefeller’s oil prices while still managing to pay the regular railroad fees. Many of the competitors were forced …show more content…

As a man that came from humble backgrounds he did everything in his power to ensure that his business became successful. In order to be successful in the business world it is necessary to be cut throat, the companies that Standard Oil bought out would have most likely done the same thing to Standard Oil given the opportunity or if necessity be. Rockefeller was just ensuring that the business that he was putting all his effort into would go as far as possible. If Rockefeller did not use all of his tactics he would not have become the richest man in the world at the time and one of the richest in human history. Another reason I agree with the methods Rockefeller used to pursue his fortune is because he did not go about it in a malicious manner, he was not a money and power hungry tycoon, he was just a hard worker that wanted to go far in life. I believe this is why he donated a lot of his money to charity because his goal was not to just accumulate money but to simply be successful, comfortable, and to ensure the comfort of

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