Why Did Martin Quit School Essay

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When Martin quit school in Africa because he couldn’t afford tuition, I knew I had to help. My English teacher, when I was in 7th grade, gave us the assignment of having a penpal. I chose a student from Zimbabwe, Africa. I started to write Martin every month. At first I thought his life was like mine living in America. After I started getting letters on pieces of trash, I realized that our lives were different. I learned through this experience to look beyond my own life and see the world at large to realize my place in it. When I picked Zimbabwe for my school pen pal program, I had no idea how it would impact my life. I lived in the Pennsylvania suburbs. Martin Ganda, my penpal, lived in the slums of Zimbabwe. We wrote to each other for many years. I had no clue what life was like outside of the United States, let alone the exotic country of Zimbabwe. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have running water, electricity or public schools. Martin taught me that life is bigger than break-ups and mall trips. Martin knew that he could never really help his family survive the increasingly poor “neighborhood” without being the best of the best in his school. He studied hard but couldn’t always be there with his family starving at home. He needed support. He needed me. After he had to quit school because he didn’t …show more content…

I could do this because I personally got to know someone from another culture. I could see more clearly the advantages that living in America provided for me. It made it possible for me to see beyond myself and help someone else.This will be an important lesson that I will carry forever. I am still friends with Martin but I have also learned that many people in the world need our help. I will do whatever it takes to make a difference in the world. As Gandhi one said, “Be the change you wish to see in the

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