Why Did Jesus Command Us To Drive Out Demons?

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Yes, Satan has a strategy for believers. His goal is to gain access to our lives in any capacity possible. He has a method, a strategy to try to get attached to our lives to wreak havoc. To hinder our destinies. Why because believers are his number one threat. For we have been given authority over him but when we do not use that authority he gains authority in the areas in which we are week or disobedient.
This warning is not for the lost but for the righteous. This implies that the righteous if they are not walking “sober”, in obedience, they can come under the influence of the devil… whose goal is to devour, to destroy the people of God.
Paul warns believers,Paul tells us, the people of God, to not give the devil an opportunity in our lives. Which implies in fact that we can give the devil a foot hold in our lives. We can surrender some of our freedom in Christ to the devil.
All believers are in a war whether they realize it or not. The devil is our …show more content…

*If just coming to Christ and becoming a believer drove away demons, why then did Jesus command us to drive out demons?
*Why didn’t he just say have them become believers then all demons will leave. If demons left people once they turned to Christ, there would be zero reason to drive out demons. And you say, “Well we need to drive them out of unbelievers.” What good is it if they can just turn to Christ and get deliver or why in the world would you drive out a demon from a demonized person that wants nothing to do with Christ? They would be worse off.
* It is interesting that even Jesus discourages doing deliverance with unbelievers. In Luke 11:24-26, Jesus tells us that when a demon goes out it can come back again. If It sees that the house is still empty the demon can bring back more demons and the person state is worse than before.
*Why is casting out demons apart of the great

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