Why Did Hitler Want To Kill Jews

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In WW2 the holocaust happened started on January 30, 1933 I know very little about the holocaust with the Jews getting put into concentration camps and being killed in them and working hard labor. The way Hitler convinced his army to hate all Jews and help kill them off because he had a lot of hate toward the Jews. Since I want to know more about the holocaust and Hitler’s anger and hatred against Jews. I have asked three questions about it and they are, Why did Hitler want to kill of all the Jews?, What did Hitler do to the Jews in the concentration camps?, and How did Hitler convince his army to hate Jews?. These are the questions I want to know and research on so I will find out the answers to my questions I have asked. The first question I have asked is Why did Hitler want to kill off all the Jews?. What I thought about this question in my opinion I think he just did not like them and he hated the religion they practiced. According to the website www.annefrank.org “Hitler said all Germany’s problems had been caused by the Jews”.(anne frank house.”why did hitler hate Jews?”.web.February 20, 2016). This is the reason why Hitler wanted to kill off all the Jews because he believed that they caused Germany’s problems. Then with his decision to get rid of all the Jews, him and his army almost …show more content…

What I thought about this question was Hitler probably tortured them and killed them in these awful concentration camps they have built for them. According to www.deathcamps.info the concentration camps like “Auschwits- Birkenau became the killing centre where the largest numbers of European Jews were killed”. (Bülow, Louis. “The holocaust”.web. February 20th, 2016). The concentration camp was used to kill Jews and make them do a lot of hard labor and make them their slaves. In the concentration camps they also torture Jews and feed them little rations of food like soup and

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