Why Did Christianity Become A Major Religion Essay

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Christianity really became a major religion in Rome in the 4th century. Roman history would not have gone the way it did if Christianity hadn’t had become the major religion. Constantine I used Christianity to help him gain control of Rome, and he also tried to unite the Trinitarians and the Arians. However, he was unable to stop the violence of caused by the spread of Christianity and allowed by Theodosius I once he became emperor.
Constantine the Christian
Constantine claimed to see a vision before a battle, telling him that using a Christian symbol would guarantee him a victory. From then on, Constantine was a Christian. Although there is some question still as to whether or not he actually believed, there’s no denying that he tried to accomplish what he could for the good of the church. While he was emperor, he worked to unite the Christian church. At the time, there were many conflicts between the Arians and the Trinitarians. He called together meetings to work out the issues, make the final decisions on what would be considered right, and then use his position as emperor to enforce what he decreed. Eventually, he began letting the letting the Church take care of some parts of the government, which made it a political power, and allowed him even more control of the Christians. They would support the emperor since he gave them power. The Roman emperor, …show more content…

He tried to help quell the conflicts within the religion and use it to preserve the empire. However, Christianity is what led the ancient empire of Rome to its decline. The violence and intolerance from many members of the religion and members of the clergy, sanctioned by the emperor was a massive turning point in history. It influenced how people came to interact with one another and proved that the church would be in charge, or fighting to be in charge, for years to

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