Why Cheating Is Wrong

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Imagine you are a teacher and you are currently grading the writing tests from 1st period. You notice one of your students essays seems oddly similar to the reference article you handed out to him. You decide to investigate and discover your student used some of the exact lines that were in the article you gave to him. In other words, he was plagiarizing! Now you have a choice; You could automatically fail him, or you could have a talk with him and listen to his end of the story. Some teachers would say that cheating needs to be dealt with swiftly and that anyone caught participating should automatically be failed. This is a false piece of advice though. Anyone who knows kids and teens know they should be given a second chance. Ultimately, the students could be falsely accused, overwhelmed, or might need to cheat. Therefore, students should not fail automatically if they are caught cheating. …show more content…

Students could be getting falsely accused of the crime or not even realize what they were doing. There is an efficient way a teacher could handle a situation where they suspect a pupil is lying on an assignment. This successful way is to communicate with them. Teachers need to make sure that the student was aware of what they were doing and tell them how they can fix it. After that, simply allow the student to retake the assignment and make sure to check for any signs of continued cheating. Plagiarizing is also a form of cheating. Plagiarizing is taking credit for work that you did not write. It is a serious problem and anyone caught doing it should be punished. However, some kids aren’t even aware they are doing it and should therefore not be punished. Kids and teens might not pay the best attention in language arts and not know how to cite correctly. Students should definitely not fail immediately if they are suspected to be cheating. After all, they may not even know that they

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