Why Canada's National Sport Should Or Should There Be Curling?

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Canada is famous for excelling in winter sports such as curling. Would it not make sense for Canada’s national sport to be a winter sport? It makes sense that curling would be Canada’s national sport but this is not the case because lacrosse is our national sport. Lacrosse is not a popular sport in many parts of our country, whereas curling is. Canada’s national sport should be changed from lacrosse to curling. Our national sport should be curling because of our climate, it is an Olympic sport, and we are known for producing some of the best curlers in the world. The first reason why our national sport should be curling is our climate. Here in Canada, we get more months of winter than we do any other season. We get lots of snow and cold weather that stay around for long periods of time. During these freezing winter months, Canadian’s pass their time by curling. By spending all this time on the ice, people have come to really enjoy curling every winter. The curling rinks can be open up to 9 months a year, while there are only a few months where playing lacrosse is possible. The more people that participate in an activity, such as …show more content…

When athletes are training for their sport, they usually have a goal in mind. A common goal among athletes is being able to represent Canada in the highest way possible; by competing in the Olympics. The Olympics is the biggest stage for an athlete to compete on, and it is a great honor and privilege to be there. Curling is a winter Olympic sport that many people watch. Watching our Canadian athletes battle for an Olympic medal creates a bond with Canadian citizens across the country. Lacrosse is not an Olympic sport so it does not have the same effect on people. It does not bring people closer together because we cannot watch and cheer for our athletes as a whole country. Curling brings Canadians

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