Why Be Baptized

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Why Be Baptized
There are people who sincerely believe that the sinner comes first to salvation and then he should be baptized. This order, however, is not of the scriptures, but rather contradicts the order put forth in the New Testament. Jesus said, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved…” That’s the Bible order; nonetheless, baptism is not the primary thing in becoming a Christian. It is one of several. However, we do not earn salvation by being baptized. Salvation is a gift. (Ephesians 2: 8-9) Yet, while salvation is God’s gift, He has laid down certain conditions upon which He offers His salvation. Faith is one of those conditions, so no one who does not believe in Christ will be saved. Baptism is another and no person has the promise of eternal life in heaven who does not give himself to the Lord in baptism, which is one of man’s responses to the grace of God; yet, Jesus said when we have done all the things we are …show more content…

Paul wrote, “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2: 8-9)
If salvation is by God’s grace, and it is, how can it be that man must do certain things in order to be saved? The Bible is clear; God gives salvation, but at the same time the scriptures are very clear that not all people will be saved; only those who come to Christ and accept His salvation. Actually, it is a question of humanity being willing to meet the conditions upon which God freely gives salvation.
These conditions are clearly listed in the scriptures and they include faith in God. (Hebrews 11:6) The conditions upon which God gives the gift of salvation also include a person’s willingness to repent of his sins b(Luke 13: 3), and his willingness to confess Christ openly before men. (Matthew 10: 32) Then, there is baptism. (Mark 16:

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