Why Athletes Are Overpaid

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Athletes are overpaid “They couldn’t handle success.” Athletes like Nolan Ryan get paid millions of dollars, Nolan’s salary was 1.1 million dollars and in 2004 it got raised 200%. Athletes think they’ll get paid forever, when in reality it’s only a few years until they don’t. Athletes are overpaid. Athletes get paid more than very important jobs. To start, the president of the United States got paid less than athletes do, and he is in charge of a whole country! Next, firefighters get paid 48,000 dollars to save people’s lives,and they also earn less money than athletes. Lastly, the highest level at NASA makes roughly $107,000 per year, that once again is less than what most athletes get paid. In conclusion, all of these important jobs earn …show more content…

First, 60-80% of pro athletes become bankrupt in 2-5 years of retirement. Second, Kenny Anderson bought 8 cars throughout his season and when he retired he couldn’t pay the insurance for all of those cars he purchased. Finally, these players are getting so much money to spend that their taxes are stacking up, then they don’t pay the taxes, so they end up going to jail. In conclusion, players are getting paid so much money that they either don’t know what to do with or they build up consequences for themselves. Some athletes use their money wisely. There are other foundations like Mary’s Meals that have charities for humanitarian causes. Some athletes give some of their money to charities like Mary’s Meals. On the other hand, there are athletes that are reckless with their money. An athlete spent 38,000 dollars on a pair of earrings! In conclusion, some athletes use their money for good causes and others don’t. Shouldn’t athletes play for the love of the game? Athletes get paid more money than jobs that help the world. Also, athletes don’t know what to do with so much money. Although, there are athletes that use their money wisely, like giving some money to charities. Athlete’s salaries are getting higher each year. They could possibly sit on the bench and watch the game just like all the other fans watching. Athletes are paid way too

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