Why Are Teenagers Like Dystopias Essay

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Why Teens Like Dystopias
The Hunger Games. The Divergent Series. The Maze Runner. The Giver. Chances are, unless you live under a rock, you have heard of at least one of these titles. It may come as a surprise to you, but all of these films are dystopian. What does ‘dystopian’ mean? Gregory Claeys, professor of History of Political Thought at the University of London, defines a ‘dystopia’ as an “inverted, mirrored or negative version of a utopia (Claeys).” Whether you are a dystopian connoisseur or new to the genre altogether, it’s no secret that this fiction sub-genre is becoming increasingly popular amongst young adults. So what’s all the hype? Why are young readers, and movie goers, attracted to the idea that life as they know it could go to hell in a hand basket? Some claim that the genre appeals to young adults because adolescents are more susceptible to the idea that anything could happen in their …show more content…

Classics like George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World have pioneered the dystopian genre and gained significant literary merit over the years. It is hard to distinguish whether or not modern dystopian popularity is greater than, or even comparable to, classic dystopian works. But one thing is for sure, there certainly are more of them. Quantity is increasing, and rapidly at that. According to Amy Sturgis “the number of English-language dystopian novels published from 2000 to 2009 quadrupled that of the previous decade,” many of which have inspired films of similar storylines (Sturgis). Why are recent dystopian works so successful? Many experts in the field disagree. Research suggests there are three widely accepted explanations that, in some aspects, overlap. They are as follows: young adults fear a literal dystopian future; young adults turn to dystopian work to escape present reality; and dystopian stories relate to the struggles of adolescent

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