Why Are Knights Important

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What are Knights? What were they used for? Why were they so important? Knights were heavily armoured soldiers that were hired fighters and protectors of the land who rode on horseback. Only the wealthiest nobles could afford to be a knight. They needed very expensive armour, weapons, and a powerful war horse. Traditionally, a knight's job was to protect pilgrims on their journey to a holy place. Knights were important for the protection of the people and of their land. They were highly valued in medieval society because of their extreme combat skills, wealth and willingness to fight for their country and village. Becoming a Knight? The sons of the lords and knights were generally the boys who were trained to become knights, training commenced at the age of seven. The duties of being a knight was serving lords and ladies and were able to see combat abilities. The knighthood training started as a page when all their games and sports were directed to learning horsemanship, holding and using two handed swords, maces, battle axes and daggers obviously these weapons are very dangerous and wouldn’t be used by these children. They would do fitness and strength training instead which would help heaps along the way. A page would start gaining the ability and the skills required to be a knight by practising tilting a lance during the knightly hood training. Sword fighting was played and practiced with wooden weapons such as swords and shields. They would also fight on top of a horse to help children with their balance and other required skills in mounted combat. Becoming a knight had other activities like archery, …show more content…

Training with weapons was a long period and had to be very accurate it would usually last fourteen

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